

Apr 12, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of life, including our homes. With lockdowns and stay-at-home orders implemented in most countries worldwide, intimate partner violence increased dramatically. 

According to the United Nations, intimate partner violence became more prevalent during the pandemic. In some countries, the number of calls to helplines doubled; in others, they increased by as much as 300%. These alarming statistics show that the pandemic had an extremely detrimental impact on people already at risk of intimate partner violence within their homes. 

Victims of intimate partner violence were forced to stay at home with their abusers due to the lockdowns. Help and safety were difficult to find, especially when the victims were financially dependent upon their abusers. 

Furthermore, the pandemic created intense stress and uncertainty, which can trigger or exacerbate violence at home. The pandemic allowed abusive partners to exert greater control, heighten the fear and anxiety caused by the pandemic, and increase abusive manipulation and intimidation. Intimate partner violence is devastating, causing trauma that may last for generations. The physical, emotional, and psychological trauma may lead to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Children who witness violence within their homes are also at risk of perpetuating the cycle of violence at home and in public.

Crucial action must be taken to stop intimate partner violence. Governments must provide more funding for support services and helplines for victims of domestic violence. Local governments should work to improve access to housing and legal and financial aid. counseling and ongoing support for victims and their families. 

Community organizations and individuals can also play a vital role in preventing domestic violence. We all need to be aware of the signs of intimate partner violence. We can offer support. including reaching out to friends or family members who may be at risk, sharing information about support services and helplines, and speaking out against intimate partner violence

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need to address domestic violence. By taking action, we can make a difference and help to create a safer and more secure world for everyone.